Black Friday Sales
Written by Emma
Discounts, Discounts Everywhere...
I don’t know about you - but for the past week or so, I’ve been bombarded with ‘Black Friday discount this’, ‘Black Friday discount that’. And to be honest, it’s not rocking my world…
For those of you who’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know that discount sales at Miss Maude are rare and exotic beasts. This is because we stock our shelves with products that we love, haberdashery that delights, fabrics that make us smile and yarn that brings us joy. And it is this that we want to share with you.
We want every purchase you make here to be one that you really love, not one made just because it is cheap or on sale.
We want you to be delighted when you walk out our door, or open up your lovingly packed online order. And if for whatever reason you’re not - please let us know about it!
Since opening our physical store in Greytown Village, we’ve decided to hold an in store annual remnant sale (January)- which enables us to donate to charity. So far we’ve donated thousands to well deserving charities close to our heart (you can see where our donations go here). Thank you for helping us make this happen.
This is our thing - where we can help spread joy a little further.
So, please don’t be waiting for our ‘Best of the best Black Friday, Cyber Monday discount of the century sale’ …. It’s just not going to arrive. But we do have a little thank you for you at the end of this post.
If you’ve spotted something you love, or have plans for a spring/summer make. Do it. We’re sure you will be delighted.
To help you plan your makes we now have a Wishlist Planner on our website - you can create mood boards, project plan, create gift lists, and share ideas with friends!
And, of course if you need a little extra help or advice - just give us a ring, flick us an email, or come visit us in the store.
Thanks for supporting our small business. It means the world.
As a little way of saying thanks - every full price purchase made between now and the end of the month (30th Nov 23), will earn you double reward points.
Emma xx
Happy Making :-)